by Bailey Burley | Oct 22, 2021 | Uncategorized
We’re still over a week away from Halloween but the Hallmark Christmas Movies are back! Even though it’s the same story with a few details changed, I love watching these movies every year. Surprisingly so does my 64 year old Father-In-Law. I’m not a huge Halloween...
by Bailey Burley | Aug 4, 2021 | Announcements, Blog
The last blog post I wrote was on March 11, 2020. It was about returning to work after a year long maternity leave and I had been back for a week. I missed my work family during my mat leave, and I was really looking forward to returning. 2 days later we were told...
by Bailey Burley | Mar 11, 2020 | Blog
Wine or sushi after conception. Had an epidural. Still haven’t lost the baby weight. Incomplete baby book. Discontinued breastfeeding before 1 year. Work outside the home. Welcome to Mom Guilt. Of the 6 things listed above, I can check off 5 that I did. And I...
by Bailey Burley | Mar 5, 2020 | Blog
Parenting doesn’t happen in a bubble. As parents, we can’t help but be affected by what’s happening in the wider world. Is it any wonder then that so many of us are feeling anxious, guilty, and overwhelmed? Last week I went to a thought-provoking presentation put on...
by Bailey Burley | Sep 5, 2018 | Announcements, TV
Now that the September long weekend is behind us I am starting to look forward to cooler weather and curling up on my couch each night to watch some TV with my husband. Or lay in bed and watch my ‘girly’ shows by myself on Mondays and Thursdays while he watches...